So I went to Chicago and it was pretty awesome! Mike and I had gone for a baseball trip (2014 maybe?) and it was definitely someplace I wanted to return to. It had been a while since I’d taken a vacation, spring break hit, and I had an itch to go someplace. Turns out that Hamilton, which has quickly become one of my favorite musicals, was playing in Chicago and that was all the incentive I needed! Got a good price on tickets and on the hotel which was less than a ten minute walk from the theatre. Boom, trip planned!
After check in, I took a walk down to Millennium Park. I know it’s not really called The Bean, but took a look at The Bean and just meandered a little bit. The weather was great and it felt amazing to be in a city that actually had legit public transit. Regular train service that takes you where you want to go? It’s almost like a true, functioning city. Atlanta...sigh.
I was hungry and figured the hotel restaurant would always be there. I’m in Chicago - have to go deep dish, right? Walked over to Giordano’s. Tasty, but as hungry as I was, just a bit too small. Of course, the next size up would have been way too much. I don’t recall if my room had a fridge, but I doubt it had a microwave. Lucky for me that on my way to Giordano's I passed a Nutella Cafe.
Insert shocked face.
Okay, I may not need to leave Chicago since y’all want to open Nutella Cafes and whatnot. Stopped by on my way back for some crepe au chocolat et Nutella chocolat chaud. Walked back to my hotel with a big smile on my face.
There are certain moments of culinary delights that are seared in my memory. 1999, Paris, France, approximately 1:47 in the am I ordered crepe au chocolat from a street vendor and time stood still. I was annoyed before I tasted it; I thought he’d went light on the chocolate and I assumed I wouldn’t taste anything. I was wrong. Each bit was pure, decadent pleasure. I have similar recollections regarding fettuccine alfredo, a beverage at Hot Shots, and a breakfast in 2011. I ordered a cuban from this French brasserie and it was the best one I’ve had in my life. Most cubans have a crunch, served via panini bread. This was juicy and flavorful in ways that were wholly unexpected. And the spicy mustard was actually spicy. Like, wasabi spicy. Impressive, all around.
Rather than making my way to the planetarium, I met up with a friend and we walked the Chicago Cultural Center. Beautiful building, inside and out. Had a chance to see some artwork, chat with some artists, and an intern from StoryCorps. Wish I had a story to tell. Who wants to do an interview -- the booth is in Atlanta now!
It was his first time seeing the show, but my second. I knew it would be amazing and hoped he thought the same. Theatre was a little smaller than I expected, but the show was, as I thought, amazing. Washington, Burr, and Eliza owned the stage whenever they were on it. My friend was likewise impressed. Solid recommendation.
For some silly reason, he scheduled a 5am flight so his trip was basically over. I, much more reasonably, wasn’t leaving until 5pm so I had another half a day in Chicago. As luck would have it a friend from tango was in Chicago for a conference and we were able to meet and grab coffee. It was great to catch up, too bad we missed the Chicago Tango Festival! Not that I’ve tango’ed in half a decade, but it’s just like riding a bike, right? Yup, riding a bike and trying to get to the moon.
I spent some time planning and scheduling my next vacation, booking flights, an airbnb, checking dates. As I walked down the street, I decided life wasn’t about moments like this, few and fleeting, but about incorporating so many of them that they become life itself. You should not only feel that way once or twice a year. Every two months isn’t practical just yet, but quarterly… well, 4x a year with an eye toward every three months or so. This year shall be the first of many.